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发布日期:2018-06-08    点击:

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1. Liang Xu and Tiegang Liu, Accuracies and conservation errors of various ghost fluid methods for multi-medium Riemann problem. J. Comput. Phys., 230:4975-4990, 2011
2. Jun Zhu, Jianxian Qiu, Tiegang Liu and Boo Cheong Khoo, RKDG methods with WENO type limiters and conservative interfacial procedure for one-dimensional compressible multi-medium flow simulations. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 61:554-580, 2011.
3. Liang Xu and Tiegang Liu, Optimal Error Estimation of the Modi?ed Ghost Fluid Method. Commun. Comput. Phys., 8:403-426, 2010
4. Jiequan Li, Tiegang Liu and Zhongfeng Sun, Implementation of the GRP scheme for computing radially symmetric compressible fluid flows. J. Comput. Phys., 228:5867-5887, 2009
5. Wenfeng Xie, Tiegang Liu and Yin-Lu Young, The effect of surface curvature on undex-induced hull cavitation. Modern Physics Letters B, vol 23, 253-256, 2009.
6. Chunwu Wang, Huazhong Tang and Tiegang Liu, An adaptive ghost fluid finite volume method for compressible gas–water simulations. J. Comput. Phys., 227:6383-6409, 2008.
7. Liu TG, Xie WF and Khoo BC, The Modified Ghost Fluid Method for Coupling of Fluid and Structure Constituted with Hydro-Elasto-Plastic Equation of State. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 33/3:1105-1130, 2008.
8. Xie W. F. , Y.L. Young and T.G. Liu, Multiphase Modeling of Dynamic Fluid-Structure Interaction during Close-in Explosion. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 70:1019-1043, 2008.
9. TG Liu, JY Ho, BC Khoo and AW Chowdhury, Numerical Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction Using Modified Ghost Fluid Method and Naviers Equations. J. Sci. Comput., 36: 45–68, 2008.
10. Jianxian Qiu, Tiegang Liu and Boo Cheong Khoo, Simulations of compressible two-medium flow by Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin methods with the ghost fluid method, Communications in Computational Physics, 3:479-502, 2008
11. Xie W.F., Y.L. Young, T.G. Liu and B.C. Khoo, Dynamic response of deformable structures subjected to shock load and cavitation reload, Computational Mechanics. 44:667-681,2007.
12. Xie WF, Liu TG and Khoo BC. The Simulation of Cavitating Flows Induced by Underwater Shock-Free Surface Interaction. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 57:734-745, 2007.
13. Liu TG and Khoo BC, The Accuracy of the Modified Ghost Fluid Method for Gas-Gas Riemann Problem, Applied Numerical Mathematics. 57:721-733, 2007.
14. Qiu Jianxian, Liu Tiegang and Khoo Boo Cheong. Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin methods for two-medium flow simulations: one-dimensional case, J. Comput. Phys., 222:353-373, 2007.
15. Huazhong Tang and Tiegang Liu, A Note on the Conservative Schemes for the Euler Equations. J. Comput. Phys. 218:451-459, 2006.
16. Liu TG, Khoo BC, and Xie WF, The Modified Ghost Fluid Method as applied to extreme Fluid-Structure Interaction in the Presence of Cavitation, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol. 1 No. 5, pp 898-919, 2006.
17. E Klaseboer, CK Turangan, SW Fong, TG Liu, KC Hung, BC Khoo, Simulations of pressure pulse–bubble interaction using boundary element method. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, Vol. 195, pp4287-4302, 2006.
18. Wang CW, Liu TG, Khoo BC. A Real-Ghost Fluid Method for the Simulation of Multi-Medium Compressible Flow. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. Vol 28, No 1, pp278-302, 2006.
19. Xie WF, Liu TG and Khoo BC, Application of a One-fluid Model for Large Scale Homogeneous Unsteady Cavitation: the modified Schmidt’s model. Comput.& Fluids. Vol 35, pp1177-1192, 2006.
20. Liu TG, Xie WF and Khoo BC, Ghost fluid method applied to compressible multi-phase flows. Morden Physics Letters B, Vol 19, pp1475-1478, 2005.
21. Liu TG, Khoo BC and Wang CW. The Ghost Fluid Method for Compressible Gas-Water Simulation. J. Comput. Phys. Vol. 204, pp193-221, 2005.
22. Liu TG, Khoo BC and Xie WF. Isentropic One-Fluid Modelling of Unsteady Cavitating Flow. J. Comput. Phys. Vol 201, pp80-108, 2004.
23. Liu TG, Khoo BC and Yeo KS. Ghost Fluid Method for strong shock impacting on material interface. J. Comput. Phys. Vol. 190, pp651-681, 2003.
24. Liu T. G., B. C. Khoo, K. S. Yeo and Wang C. Underwater shock-free surface-structure interaction. Inter. J. Numer. Method Eng. Vol. 58/4 pp609-630, 2003.
25. Liu T. G., B. C. Khoo and K. S. Yeo, The simulation of compressible multi-medium flow. Part I: A new methodology with test applications to 1D gas-gas and gas-water cases. Comput. & Fluids. Vol. 30/3, pp291-314, 2001.
26. Liu T. G., B. C. Khoo and K. S. Yeo, The simulation of compressible multi-medium flow. Part II: Applications to 2D underwater shock refraction. Comput. & Fluids. Vol. 30/3, pp315-337, 2001.
27. Liu T. G., Khoo, B. C. and Yeo, K. S. The numerical simulations of explosion and implosion in air: use of a modified Harten's TVD scheme. 1999, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, Vol. 31/4. pp661-680.
28. Liu Tiegang, Wang Ruquan and Song Songhe. An implicit-explicit upwind algorithm for the parabolized Navier-Stokes equations. ACTA Mechanic Sinica, Vol. 10. No. 2. p. 129-135. 1994.


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